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«It appears that in my haste to report to the bridge, I neglected to put on my uniform…» And that, my friends, is what a flustered Vulcan looks like. I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard.
Commander Riker, and Captain Kirk could’ve been road dogs together if they were born in the same century.
Looks like Star Trek: Discovery is going to be one step farther, it’s going pass beyond Star Trek’s traditional boundaries by being rated TV-MA than the previous Star Trek shows which are mostly rated TV-PG and rated TV-14. A little bit darker, and a bit more mature in it’s content. I can’t wait. Lol
That Janeway stuck in jefferies tube LOL
Question: What were the episode clips from Deep Space 9, Voyager, and The Next Generation that you got those from to make this video?
Wow even Odo was getting lucky
Excellent 10 stars.
Harry gives it to janeway. Lol
Diese Musik xD HAHAHAHA.. Lachflasch pur xD
So,how many couplings produced offspring?
Where is the scene at 0:29 from?
Space chicks are hot.
Mr.President -> Love, Sex & Sunshine *0*
Myeah, all kinds of appendages getting in on see. Myeah!
Omg xDD
Janeway is hot.
What episodes are these?
I miss this show here Star trek