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Who knew Chloe was maybe the worst criminal on Smallville O_o
Well she was after Clark even after he rejected her 446778 times
this really broke my heart. i grew up watching Smallville, and in Jan 2018, a little over a year before this came out, i had just finished a month long binge of the show. Chloe was strangely my favourite character. i was in awe of Allison because she was possibly the only one in the main cast that played a character specifically made for the show. for some reason that was the big reason she’s my fave.
you never really know who’s who huh. quite the fucking irony.
Prime example as to why celebrities should not be put on pedestals!!!
I wouldn’t even consider this has-been a celebrity
30th June ,all will find out her fate ,it such a shame but went down the wrong path it’s happened to so many after having 15 minutes in the sun of Hollywood
We will find out end of June 2021 what happens to her ?
There’s plenty more non celebs like this FYI
@Geronimo Zarza This.
I just finished watching the NXIVM series starring India Oxenburg, and I find it really strange how the media is persecuting Allison. She was one of the sex slaves, and the argument of the case was that the women were brainwashed into feeling they couldn’t leave, as well as routine abuse that made them feel incapable of leaving, and on top of it, collateral that was used as a blackmailing tool. So if India is considered a sex slave by those terms, then so should Allison. Before I started watching the serious, I was under the impression via the media that Allison was recruiting women for payment as a free standing person of sound mind, I did NOT know she was a sex slave, too. Pretty shameful how the media blatantly painted a sex slave victim as a predator. Either all of them are slaves or none of them are slave, there’s no halfway on this.
If every other celebrity is guilty of what they’re being accused of……. SO IS SHE!! She knew exactly what She was doing. Ppl think they can get away with anything….. So disgusting!!
Sadly, the word “guilty” has a different meaning in a court of law than it does in reality.
Her “alleged” involvement? She pleaded guilty!
Mediocre journalism.
Until she’s been convicted of a crime, it’s alleged.
NotNero She has been convicted. $2M bail and house arrest.
Lesson to be learned: don’t be a terrible human being.
Many were brainwashed
No one enjoyed punishing and recruiting sex slaves as much as Allison
Read Catherine Oxenberg’s book
@sportinlife jones The lesson is still “don’t be a terrible human being.”
So how do you explain Trump??♂️
@Chris Weeks «Have any of you morons» is definitely the way to start a post if you want no one to read past those five words. Good job.
Have any of you morons ever heard of Stockholm syndrome…Actually its more like trauma bonding and it can seem like Stockholm syndrome, a phenomenon that happens between kidnappers & their hostages. With trauma bonding, the abuser’s inner voice eclipses the victims. It’s believed that cult leaders like Keith Raniere brainwash their subjects this way. It happens all the time with people who are abuse victims…the might know what there doing is wrong or what is being done to them is wrong. Its brainwashing…a type of metal abuse. A friend of mine was in the military and he was capture and tortured had forced to do stuff that still gives him nightmares. He was broken physically and mentally. He did stuff that if everyone believed the way that most of the public thinks he would be put in prison. He spent a year in a psych hospital to get deprogramed. And the thing is with other woman you would think they would be me more sympathetic but In rape studies they found that many woman were less sympathetic to those victims, somehow you fuckers blame the victim…and I think Mack was a victim as well. People like Raniere spot people like Mack and see there weakness and take advantage of them. You all like playing the fucking blame game when all these women Including Mack were victims of a master manipulator.
What was the wrong step that she took to lead her to what she became? Somewhere in this all there was that one step inscribed with a twenty year prison sentence, and yet she still took that step. It’s heartbreaking to see such a neat, innocent woman who entertained America on TV, become a slave master.
I thought Nexium was an anti-acid pills. This cult was definitely anti something. She really fell from grace. She’s a terrible person who branded women with hot pokers with the leaders initials, held girls down to do it, and overall did horrendous stuff to get girls in to this cult. I hope she goes to prison for a very very long time.
this is so sad , absolutely sad that she picked that path, she always seems to be a good person and a nice one.
guess she hid her skeletons and this time, none can save her, not even superman.
Remorse and sorrow with sincere apologies suddenly appear when the guilty get caught. Makes me wonder what percentage get away with what they do…..
This is just….. heart breaking
There was probably a deal to either reduce prison time or get rid of it entirely by pleading guilty and providing information.
@Raphael Granger don’t be surprised if she gets off really easily. I doubt she will serve more than a few years if anything. She has no prior records and she is rich from all of her earnings as an actress.
I read it’s 15 years minimum. The guy got a century and change. She was second in command in the cult and used her status to lure the girls and coerce them into sex acts. I think if she doesn’t get at least that 15 years we can throw the justice system out the window. Oh, where is that whole #metoo movements? They seem to only be interested when the perpetrator is a man
@Robert Brown i doubt it i know people who committed way worse federal crimes and would’ve served 100+ years in prison but got out after a few years thanks to plea deals. Allison Mack doesn’t have a record or prior criminal history. She will prolly get a plea deal and get parole if she has to serve time after sentencing
she could only get a deal if she told them something they didnt already know
She will serve at least 15 years in prison.
She plead guilty so it’s not «alleged» any more
@Starscream91 as I’ve already said, she has to be declared guilty by the jury before she can be put in prison. The trial hasn’t even been announced yet
@Starscream91 she isn’t officially guilty of any crime until the jury says so.
You can still plead guilty to something you didn’t do, lol
@Salve Regina not a criminal until youre incarcerated. She could testify for full immunity.
@Twizelbang also they may be possibly drugged.
It’s important to remember that she was also brainwashed in this cult ?
This is so much bigger then you’re being told This is World Wide and Involves
Celebrity’s and Very Very rich Elitists that make up their own laws…
@Spiritual Alchemy I truly want nothing “third eye” crap you’re spewing. I rebuke your entire comment in Jesus name!
@Clover Weber or too obvious!… normal way to react is «having no idea»… knowing something we move into Survival mode by attacking the threats
Don’t you live your life within your own laws?
@Spiritual Alchemy keep your head in the sand.
@Elephantstone guess again. Bronfman got 7 years. Rainere got 120 years. Allison Mack pleaded guilty and awaiting sentencing…
She still looks young. Sad she picked that path.
Drinking the ADENOCHROME
Many were sucked in
Most left the cult
But Allison CREATED the sex cult.
If that doesn’t answer your question not sure what will
@Jenni Buchanan she was old enough to know what she is doing. Why do you try to give excuses for a terrible person while in the meantime she pleaded guilty?
@Jenni Buchanan she’d be 27 or something
I think he groomed her. How old was she 10 years ago?
Small correction, the brand contained both Allison’s and this other A-holes initials.
There is no excuse for what she did. None. She was a favorite character of mine in Smallville. i’m an actor/ stunt man in Vancouver and worked background and some minor stunt work on Smallville. I talked to her in passing on set a couple times, she was always sweet, never had the ‘I’m the star’ vibe. I’ve also worked with a group called «Lady beware.» teaching martial arts to young women. The fact she used her persona, her influence as a woman to coerce these women into becoming slaves is the worst part. In my mind that makes her even worse than the others involved. It sickens me how people can plead down their charges, sure it makes the Prosecutors job a little easier, but screw that, there is enough evidence in this case to prosecute all involved to limit.
@Melanie GS Unfortunately as in my reply to Chris Weeks, she may have started out a follower, but she eventually became the leader of the pack.
@Chris Weeks BS, she wasn’t stuck in a dark room cowering and being subservient. She wasn’t kidnapped, she was the chief recruiter, it has also come to light that she was the one who had the bright idea of branding her victims with smoldering hot wire. It was her and Raniere’s initials branded into these victims that she coerced then black mailed. And in any Psychosis like Stockholm the person is kidnapped or some other type trauma, and through manipulation and dependence while being held captive starts to empathize through that dependence and sees the capture as a provider, and will eventually participate and follow. They do not become the leader who devises the depravities such as Mack perpetrated on these women she blackmailed into becoming sexual slaves, then caps it off by inventing a branding iron containing her initials to emphasize her control over them. Grow up moron she wasn’t a subserviently puppet she was the freaking engineer of the sex ring.
Good post. I always heard the Smallville cast was nice. I suspect everyone else was shocked. Allison was also estranged from them due to how heavily involved she got in cult
Chris must be a follower of a cult
@Chris Weeks For starters Allison Mack continued to act after joining in 2010, she roamed free across the land as rising to second in command of a sex cult. She has admitted she came up with the brilliant idea of branding women in a ceremony with her and the other sick forkers initials. She didn’t adopt Raniere’s beliefs, she surpassed and enhanced them.
Allison is a million heir, she was involved in this cult for 8 years, with plenty of opportunities to come forth, escape, or expose the cult. She didn’t, she tricked women, branded the women, all while counting the cash.
The courts have a little procedure called a phycological evaluation, and also provisions for people who commit crimes under undue stress, or other circumstances. The headlines aren’t temporary insanity, or pending phycological evaluation to see if she is fit to stand trial. Its bargaining, and negotiating, and plea deal.
As for your cool story, are you in creative writing classes? Or just a fan of ‘Homeland» I also have a friend who is military, he loves these types of stories, and loves verifying and or disprove them. So give me some details of your friend, and my friend will be able to prove or disprove your heart felt tale. I don’t need a name, just rank, branch of service, day and year of capture. If its true I will give you the name.
Moving on there are plenty of people drawn into and trapped within a cult that do things they regret out of fear while trapped, all the while searching for an escape route. When they are free and unsupervised they run for it.
Then there are also those who enter freely, and willingly, and do what they do out of greed or of a like mind. These ones do not seek escape. She used her open personality, her celebrity, to coerce women, and she was paid for her services. She profited while she kept her victims silent through blackmail. Just look to the right at the nice examples of her brainchild branding.
@Alejandro Silahua Have any of you morons ever heard of Stockholm syndrome…Actually its more like trauma bonding and it can seem like Stockholm syndrome, a phenomenon that happens between kidnappers & their hostages. With trauma bonding, the abuser’s inner voice eclipses the victims. It’s believed that cult leaders like Keith Raniere brainwash their subjects this way. It happens all the time with people who are abuse victims…the might know what there doing is wrong or what is being done to them is wrong. Its brainwashing…a type of metal abuse. A friend of mine was in the military and he was capture and tortured had forced to do stuff that still gives him nightmares. He was broken physically and mentally. He did stuff that if everyone believed the way that most of the public thinks he would be put in prison. He spent a year in a psych hospital to get deprogramed. And the thing is with other woman you would think they would be me more sympathetic but In rape studies they found that many woman were less sympathetic to those victims, somehow you fuckers blame the victim…and I think Mack was a victim as well. People like Raniere spot people like Mack and see there weakness and take advantage of them. You all like playing the fucking blame game when all these women Including Mack were victims of a master manipulator.
I wish things were different for her and for those survivors
I wish she would have been in the news for more positive things?