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It’s a shame, honestly. Eva Marie was a natural heat magnet and one of the few people to get a genuine reaction from the crowd.
@***** didn’t she progress enough though? She looked a lot better than she used to be from the clips I saw
XENUR1NE honestly in order to be like men they need to put more Matches like men but with more variety it’s boring it’s always Sasha,Bayley,Charlotte, and Nia
Christopher Sanders what happened with all that private training with Brian Kendrick that she got during Total Divas?
+EmbassyGamers What’s that have to do with it? The women’s revolution isn’t about how many women there are it’s the fact that women are being treated like wrestlers now and not just eye candy
TheBadguy008 it’s not a woman’s revolution when on raw you have the same 4 people fighting
Wanna bet the «mini» concert at Wrestlemania will be lip synced anyway? lmao
The only time a performance of an artist at Wrestlemania is acceptable, is when that artist performs someone’s theme song with the certain superstar coming out to it. But other than that, no thank you.
MarcAfterlife i hate how pitbull and flo rida are performing but a7x didn’t last year
Wouldn’t surprise me.
MarcAfterlife it’s okay as long as the artist are good
You guys should do a prediction show for every pay per view from now on. I just can’t get enough wrestle talk. Thanks Olie!!
How accurate am I going to be if I already give wrestlemania a 5/10? Isn’t it great that WWE is getting rid of all the reality divas?
WWE just need to get rid of Nickie and hope that Sumer Ray and Kelly Keely have a short WWE return. Those Divas get praised to much.
Hopefully Paige does come back and we can put this disaster behind us.
It’s sad that one of the matches would possibly be shortened or ultimately removed/cancelled because of the mini concert. It’s just not fair to those wrestlers.
is it crazy that I actually liked her push on smackdown and want Eva to return at Wrestlemania
Paige sound be released. It’s unprofessional period to the women’s nxt title and the company. She may have been young and dumb. It’s still unexcusable as professional athlete to kids who Idolize them.
wouldn’t it make more sense for the «contract-signed yet non-sanctioned» match to be on the pre-show. have it happening as people are making their ways to the seats?
IMO, according to past celebrity sex tape «leaks» it seemed to be well timed and will serve to get her out of WWE soon, which she wants, plus put her more in the spotlight, which she needs. It didn’t hurt anyone else’s career when their private videos were allegedly leaked. I don’t see Pam Anderson, Tommy Lee, Bret Michaels, Mickie James, and the list goes on, suffering any.
I would like to hear more news and updates on wrestling overseas. there’s not a large selection of televised wrestling in the United States which is monopolized by the WWE.
Hard to believe somebody would be done with Smackdown, I expected it to be with Cesaro or Sami with Raw to be honest. Also, normally Andre’s Battle Royal would be nearing the Main Event, as it was in memory of one of Vince’s «Big Sweaty Men» fetish.
if the Hardys go to WWE would you want them heel or face
Sting heel
None.. Just Broken.
FEELS (Facely Heels)
Broken hardyz
I would like them to be BROKEN! Yeaas, oooooooh, ahhh, splendid! BROKEN!!
I kinda hope that Eva improved, and return and have okay matches.
Your outtro didn’t cut off the word «wrestling» this time! The content has been great lately, keep up the great work.
I love how how 3 years ago people didn’t like him, now he’s the funniest person hosting this
Do you think it’s possible for the new day to have a open challenge and the Hardy’s come out and accept with there broken gimmick?
Adam Windsor Then why they won so many titles?
Jr 2401 Gaming God I hope not the Hardy’s are awful.
just a suggestion for your smackdown rating system you should do : Smackdown 5 (5), Smackdown Live (4), Smackdown Tried (3), Smackdown Denied (2), Smackdown Died (1)
1984-2006 or even through 2008 wrestling still rules. This last decade has been very very bad. Keeping it PG here without profanity but leave your words underneath if you agree. 80s and 90s had the great characters