Sex Games And Giant Tea Sets: The Craziest Star Trek Episode — Cracked Responds

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  1. Michael C

    I think it is about STD transmission, not video games. That is why the episode feels so sexual. Riker picks up the game from someone he is boning on his vacation, then first gives it to his sometimes-lover DeAnna. Only Wesley (the virgin) can successfully avoid it.

  2. Philip Guyott

    The existence of Data’s deactivation switch was established in prior episodes («Datalore» and «The Measure Of A Man»). It was located in the small of the back and only Dr Crusher and senor members of the crew knew of its existence.
    Do your research next time 🙂

    1. Literosexual

      I was looking for this comment.

  3. Eata Bagovdiks

    The Prisoner 1967. The whole show is insane.

    1. New Flesh

      yes. the entire show is amazing and completely beautifully insane

  4. Waylon Savage

    Data’s off switch was explained when lore showed up. So yes he’s had it the whole time lol

    1. 1SaG

      Haven’t watched season 1 in ages (God, I hate early TNG), but the off-switch played a pretty important role in «Measure of a Man» where Data’s right to free will is debated in a court of law. Riker uses the switch quite effectively to prove a point. So, yeah… I wonder whether these guys are actually familiar with any TNG-episodes. Plus calling «The Game» the weirdest TNG or even ST-ep? How about «The Omega Glory»? Or «Spock’s Brain»? Or «Haven»? Or «Naked Now»? Or the infamously racist «Code of Honor»?

    2. Hammond Ehgs

      No they dont. It was in the same place.

    3. Ghotibaatea ঘটিবাটি

      Wasn’t it behind his neck?

    4. Josh B

      In «A Measure of a Man», they moved the off switch to inside his right arm.


      more like collapsable slot thats in his lower back

  5. Charles Boyce

    Oh come on, we’ve known about Data’s off switch since season 2….

    1. tgbotg

      Season 1, «Datalore.»

  6. tank0r

    Sure it’s a dumb episode but at least nobody goes infinite speed and turns into a salamander.

  7. oberstul

    I hope you’re not trying to sell us on «the new star trek movies are not so bad/the old tng episodes were pretty dumb cliche»; anyway, Data did have on OFF switch and if I recall correctly they showed it since Season one, at least a couple of times before using it in this episode which is Season 5, I believe. Anyway, good job on spotting the fetishistic nature of this episode.

  8. Kristina Shahriari

    The Star Trek series are multi-year collaborations between what must have been at least a hundred people, and individual episodes often represent a single writer’s point of view. That’s one of the greatest strengths of television as a medium, that it allows people to experiment and get weird, providing the audience at the very least with a memorable experience. Also, Roddenberry was kind of sex-obsessed and there’s a lot of weird sex stuff even in the original series, Amok Time being one of the most obvious (and best) examples. The TNG episode «The Naked Now» (like many first season episodes, a direct remake of an original series episode), where Tasha Yar bones Data, is really uncomfortable but also totally great.

  9. Adam Pugh

    Data’s off switch was established years earlier in «A Measure of a Man» — acclaimed as one of the best SF episodes of all time and one of the most well known Trek episodes. Why are you surprised by a major plot point from an award-winning episode?

    1. Someone Orother

      It doesn’t matter whether it was established before, the point was that it’s pretty ridiculous for Data to have an easily accessible «off switch»

    2. Steven M

      I agree. I’m 16 and have watched all DS9, TNG, TOS, season 1 of voyager, and all the TNG movies.

    3. Steven M

      Thank you Adam Pugh

    4. Chloe Davis

      Norm604 LOL that means nothing. by the time I was 15 I had seen all of TOS and TNG. Try making a better argument next time

    5. Chloe Davis

      Adam Pugh YES!!THANK YOU

  10. Jeff Hughes

    For a British man…, sorry, a «French» man, that tea set is down right restrained.

  11. ClearBlueJay

    I love this episode. I remember wondering where the tea set came from. Did he replicate it? Did he buy it? Where does he store it? Also are we really doubting the point of this episode after Pokemon Go? Besides even with something as simple as Bejeweled or Angry Birds which i think this game is more like you see people on the train every day wasting their lives not reading or contributing to society and just playing them wasting time. And aren’t the breeders overpopulating the planet doing the same thing?

  12. riedstep

    there was so many bad episodes of star trek. they had some weird thing going where they absolutely loved the idea of «something funny is happening with the crew». it culminated with Riker turning into a werewolf. one of the only episodes I just turned off and made me question my fondness for the show.

    1. Galloe

      What IS your problem. Werewolf + space = Zany sifi fun on the bun! No really though, you have to think some dweeb was thinking those exact words, if heshe did not just outright shout them after reading the script.

  13. Evan Hagan

    From about the ages 7 to 10, I was a HUGE startrek fan. During those years my older brother and I really devoured the entire startrek mythos after school. OG series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, movies, everything(except enterprise, never enterprise)
    Honestly, I’ve grown into a pretty shitty startrek fan as an adult. Its sad, i didnt even see the new movie in the theatre, and i rarely even wear my replica Geordi la Forge visor in public anymore. but I remember watching this episode as a child and being very confused and interested in a really special way.

    Here are some of my favorite completely bonkers episodes, i do not remember their episode numbers or titles:

    1. that one time when warf turns into some sort of monster and they have to keep diana away from him because he’s going to mate(rape) with her. I think the captain was also turning into some kind of really wussy animal at the same time? not %100 on all of this. But Im pretty sure warf sprays crusher in the face with his new venom sack at some point in the episode. pretty awesome

    2. that one time when a few of the crew(geordi was def there)turn into a blue monsters and have weird cave sex with eachother

    3. that one time when i think its O’brian that starts seeing invisible monsters while teleporting and thus becomes scared of the teleporter. which was a problem because that was, like, his Whole job on the enterprise.


  14. Pim Peccable

    Thanks for pointing out the sexuality. I missed it the first time I saw «The Game». Now I see that the whole episode it about sexual peer pressure (Not video games as you say).
    Even the Tea Scene is Picard encouraging sexual behavior. The elevator scene is full bad advice (good call).
    Ashley Judd (One of VERY few on-screen girls Wes ever had!) is merely plot-device/window-dressing.

    The main reason Data was a threat to the ‘Game Clique’ was because the game stimulates the brain and his is artificial. therefore immune. (How many times did you watch?)
    Off switch is in lower back, left side; NOT the buttocks.

    You really need a Trekker on staff to make this commentary even better, though. At least do some research at

    I vote you check out «Spock’s Brain» or «A Piece of the Action» or «Masks»

  15. Lore & Fablery

    The other day, I decided to watch a random TNG ep with my mom. Of course, THIS was the one I had to pick. Definitely the most awkward 45 minutes in recent memory.

  16. Penny Lane

    I loved that episode. Wesley’s girlfriend was really cute.

  17. NodMan

    *_You have to do one of these on Lexx. It could be any damn episode from Lexx, just pick one it’ll be funny._*

    1. Merilirem

      Yeah, if they want easy views Lexx would be a great choice.

  18. Tibne

    Data’s off switch is revealed to us pretty early on, it shouldn’t be a surprise.

  19. N Man

    I remember that episode. I watched it when I was much younger and the sexual aspect of it completely went over my head.