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Down to earth mom. Her interview was great and I love her attitude. Hope you and your family keep going forever. Great job!
Gabby is so much more the man than the interviewer.
@Donovan Moore lol harsh, but Laird needs a big woman 😛
Adore/Mad respect for GR.
how awesome i’ve met her!!
Brilliant ~ «the theater of living» vs the doing of living.
well done Gabby….he’s incredible, God of the Sea but YOU’RE VERY INTELLIGENT…….(HE IS TOO BUT YOU’RE fascinating to listen too)
she should be a daytime host and interviewer of all types of ladies (famous ones who admit the real selves) but…I’m sure she won’t be leaving Hawaii for LA……not with Laird behind……I wouldn’t leave him
When I think of «Glamazon,» think of Gabrielle Reece.
She’s so cool.
I like her. I want a tall lady…haha
Maximus Seneca
Maximus Seneca
True that on her being the man over the interviewer
Ambitious..successful and smart but cant find any information on her origins. No info on her parents… childhood….etc. was it sooooo bad.
She’s too competitive
Why is there music playing while they are talking??? So distracting.
fit lady though, smart, laird a legend