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I’m first one
im first
lmao..& the only one on my feed ?
Wanted to enjoy it. But was bored. Very very bored. Couldn’t finish it.
How come? Season 1 kept me on the edge the entire time. But yeah, I definitely couldn’t bring myself to finish seasons 2 & 3
Its actually very good series.
Trust me. Not like any other. Suspense. Just watch it. Riley is great in it. But just for Season 1.
@Budhaji Gaonkar yes
So you’re telling me she’s just in season 1?
She was so good in the first season. Really good actress.
It is actually great. And Riley is amazing as the main character.
She was excellent!! That was a well done series.
elvis granddaughter
Just started this show tonight (I know, I’m super late ?) but Riley is phenomenal in it!
Best season EVER!
Congratulations on ur movie career and marrige Happy Anniversary! TY for posting this video~
Woah she looks literally like my aunt
She’s so hot
She resembles Nina Dobrev and Cara Delevingne here
I got a little bit Kristen Stewart..
In the beginning it had a story which was great, but the climax was very boring
@little_forest_wind symbolism how? could you please forward links of such articles with analysis of the ending? (found several of analysing the overall story/series but not the ending particularly).
It wasn’t boring, it was opened. Read the articles with the analysis of this story, it has plenty of symbolism there
anyone tell me in which date riley start the shoot of the gf ex.
Series is too dark
That makes it realistic. What were you expecting. ‘Pretty Woman’?