SPOILER ALERT! RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4 Extra Lap Recap «Sex and the Kitty Girl»

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  1. Kor O'Connell

    The winner of the acting challenge is Ru pretending to be surprised that Latrice got sent home

    1. Catz1a

      Honestly, Ru reacting every time as if the producers haven’t already told her who has what lipstick and who she should be picking for the juiciest story

    2. Cole

      That was so extra…it wasn’t surprising at all.

    3. ChewwwBeccca

      Jusssssst a smidge haha

    4. Raúl Vega

      She was overacting a lil’ bit

  2. m b

    Honestly this was more fun to watch than the actual episode

    1. m b

      @josh mcgee the runway looks and challenge were just so boring. Everyone kind of disappointed me this week. Very lack luster.

    2. Paul Johns

      @robert stanley Drag Race has become all too familiar. I guess it is making the most of it while it can. Spoilers are far more interesting. However, it has been great —

    3. robert stanley

      Honestly Ive only watched John Pollys spoiler alerts and no tea no shade but its high key more entertaining..and its only 8 min .. #thankunext

    4. Paul Johns

      It always is — I only watch this.

    5. josh mcgee

      this week was DRY

  3. Qeisama

    Ru: The theme for the runway is…

    Latrice: A perfect theme for my gown!!!

    1. Summer Baby

      Lmao u shady lil palm tree ????????????
      I love Latrice don’t get me wrong, but u ain’t neva lied! ????

    2. Alyssa Holsinger

      Where is the lie? ??

    3. Alex Chavez

      Qeisama that gown was a choice ??‍♀️

    4. ChewwwBeccca

      You’ve slayed me, I AM DEAD

    5. Medoingthat


  4. Thế Hoàng Nguyễn

    But… Can we get more RuPaul’s Sweatshop race and less acting challenge please?

    1. m b

      Yes please!

    2. John Ayala

      Absolutely! The acting challenges are so hit and miss. Watching your favourite queen fail isn’t funny just tedious because it’s a combination of performance and editing.

    3. DevineCaesar

      @Mr. Adrian because 11 is already filmed and in the can, they’re already casting for 12 now.

    4. Brad Louttit


    5. ChuyIsTheShiz


  5. Jarrett S.

    the funniest part of this skit was a bunch of black queens having to play white women. thats the GOOP

    1. Lisa Tryme

      LMAO!!! Right!!???

  6. doll parts

    Who else gasped when Monique hit that runway? I live!!!

    1. Mina

      I like her make up. But the outfit felt a little cheap.

    2. njb444

      For a split second I thought you were referring to when she literally hit the ground during the challenge and I almost choked on my tea. Her runway look was fierce, too. I want the hat!

    3. Confused Psyduck

      Miss Drew I was gagging hands down the best runway of the day

  7. Maxine Nixon

    I’ve been team Trinity this whole time but I’m kinda salty that Manila went home because I wanted Trinity to beat her fair and square. Ya feel me?

    1. Jay Hi5

      That would have been great bragging rights to go up against Manila and win.

    2. The Faerie Prince

      This is a competition.

  8. Rabee' Barakat

    That’s the right thing. But who cares about the right thing anymore? I really really wanted Trinity to send home Naomi and tell her during the hug «life is not fair». That would make a great TV. But Trinity is a fair queen and that’s why she should be crowned immediately.

    1. Zak Wood


  9. Wallace1222

    Wow Monet in a onesie and Latrice in a gown. So refreshing

    1. Chat Pointer

      Right . If she wears one more leotard ?

    2. Lisa Tryme

      @Keikousaba I know right. Like give me a fucking break.

    3. Jo Jo

      Monet looked thee best. Latrice needed to go (she was ulling a Bianca with all them damn dresses)

    4. Sabior19

      Keikousaba Thank you!

    5. hey sweets

      and Trinity and Monique weren’t wearing onesies? lmao

  10. Jean Alzaidi

    Trinity’s and moniques? looks was everything,!

  11. EVFan Evee

    Come thrruuuuuuu Trinity!!! Don’t let these girls get in the way ??

    1. Jay Hi5

      @Danny Rey Well, you gotta have drama and controversy.

    2. Danny Rey

      Rumor has it she will win but not without controversy… Drama!!…lol

  12. Lucy Diamond

    Top two should have been Trinity & Manila

    1. Dwayne Tillman

      Ok Nina

  13. Pablo Di Lorenzo

    Trinity has earned her crown, now that sadly Manila is gone. Team The Tuck!

  14. Sylvia S

    I’m Sylvia S. and I’ve got something to say, «Team Trinity all the way baybay.»

  15. Faith Ruckdeschel

    Just to think, Manila basically had a nervous breakdown after Latrice got sent home the first time, but Latrice didn’t even care that her so called bff went home. I guess she was also happy because she knew there was no way she’d beat Manila. Truth is, there was 4 other queens in her way and despite of what ppl may feel about them, they’re drag is definitely stronger than Latrice’s drag. She was carried on the backs of Trinity and Manila in the night club challenge, and someone had said that the purple latex runway look was given to her by the show and that’s also why she couldn’t answer who made it for her. Mama was super pissed for being sent home again, but the other girls came as cats and once again she tried to «gown» her way thru another challenge. I was sad to her go on AS 1 and season 4, but her new self entitlement mindset just doesn’t make me sad to see her go this time. I also thought that by her finding a wonderful man to marry, she’d be twice as lovable.

    1. Lisa Tryme

      @Erykah I use to love Latrice, and really tried to love her this season, BUT something is off about her. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m not even referring to her drag or even her self entitlement as some people may call it. It’s her energy. Something is different about her. She seems kind of mean now and her smiles look forced and fake. I don’t know, but I feel the same way OP does. For a woman about to get married she doesn’t seem genuinely happy. SMH…I hope Latrice isn’t on no hard core drugs. Real Talk

    2. J. Flaner

      Yes! You betta’ read! All facts!@mellon colie

    3. Erykah

      @mellon colie My comment is in sync with the original commentary. I see you’re also taking what I said and misinterpreting it. Game of semantics though, and frankly doesn’t bother me. Perhaps it’s because I don’t care about this outside of the 1 hour I dedicate to it Saturday or Sunday morning. Continue to aspire to be whomever the person you said you want to be like in your comment. Good luck.

    4. mellon colie

      ​@Erykah if you left your comment in this video instead of under this comment, ‘d believe in your explanation and i wouldn’t even have left my comment in the first place; but let me sum this up real quick

      Faith Ruckdeschel: using various examples as reasons for his/her lost of fondness towards Latrice

      you: people shouldn’t have taken everything we see on screen as the whole truth

      (which I agree, but in this context you’re defending Latrice from incidents that have nth to do with editing by saying the editing screwed her over)

      me: editing team has nth to do with some of the very legitimate reasons we no longer like her as much

      you: mentioning the other comments who’re attacking latrice based on the narrative editing team created

      me: simply wondering if you meant to leave this comment elsewhere instead of under here bc of the inconsistency ……… so pardon me if i should’ve taken your comment out of the comment of the original context; and maybe leave your comment in a more context appropriate place next time? x

      and this long comment isn’t a representation of how seriously i take this show, i just want to practice how to back my aspect with facts and logic like ben shapiro does; except he’s super anti lgbt+ and I think we can all benefit from some civil discussions if we want to defend our rights from highly educated eloquent people who’re constantly trying to oppress us m’kay byeeeeee

    5. Erykah

      @mellon colie I’m not saying Latrice did well. I’m merely saying that this is a tv show, and people shouldn’t take it so serious. Don’t dislike a person in reality based on the character they play in fantasy.

  16. jaja Wezzy

    Yo that random Jinkx “Dragcon” ad still be killing me softly ?????

  17. BubblesMurphy

    As soon as the chicken came on screen, I thought to myself “Is that Katya’s rubber chicken?” ?

    1. KingbutQueen

      SAME. at the end they say that katya’s mouth has been on that a lot and i was dying

  18. Lord Walker

    She knew she had better chance of beating Latrice than Manila.

    1. Dinner & a Movie

      @Rustie Manila didn’t want to play fair if her friend needed help — and that was the reasoning behind Naomi’s decision to elimate her. The strategy secured her own top 4 position. It’s unfortunate that Manila revealed that she would chop anybody ( regardless of stats ) to save Latrice. GAGGED when all the other Queens touched hands; silently identifying Luzon as a common target. At least Naomi’s motive was to remain longer in the competition?

    2. Photoshop

      Manila would’ve won for sure. That’s why it was so sad to see her go but such is drag life lol. I still respect Naomie despite or for that ballsy decision lol

  19. Jean Alzaidi

    Is feeling herself in those short dresses
    It’s about time new stylist maybe?
    Looking good too

  20. CoolyFooly

    I would have sent Naomi home just for the hell of it