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Why would ur attorney approach his attorney if not for money? What would be the point ? Y’all reached out for money… making this extortion.
She’s so candid it’s a turn on.
WHY would her attorney(RIGHT,DEWEY,CHEATUM & HOW?) NEED to tell Von’s people about the tape,he WAS aware of her filming.
So how you go from not asking him for money, to your lawyer turning down an offer??¿ But you never wanted money from the start?….
For 2.5 mil I would say anything
nicky bond ???
Why would he say to record but they’re using her phone? Lol
If a guy wants to record it he’d use his own phone…
if it’s not about the money why ask for more.
the end was so awkward
yo it just sounded raw coming from her she kept it a buck!!! hahahahah
Bro she be in Instagram videos with the comedians and stuff
She lying because why would they throw a number out if you wasn’t expecting any money?
why would she smash von miller she is too bad for him
I don’t get it is he married? What’s the big deal two consenting people having sex and it got taped
Why would Von Miller Lie? Why would he travel to California and go to court in the middle of the season if he wasnt being extorted
need to see that! come on dumbmiller
so they offer money first and they got asked for more money later
If you’re a millionaire,why deal with people that have less money than you.
I would watch it that’s forsure, she’s bangin
Lies , Lies, Lies.