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The constant replay of the guy licking her chest was too much, ET ?
Just checked out your vids, and i gotta ask. Is that your real voice? You sound like an ET narrator, got me thinking you undercover sharing your real thoughts on this account lmao
that’s so embarrassing ! i wish i didn’t see that ?
Make a video about it!!
I was just thinking the same thing ?
You should review love after lockup
? Debbie is living her best life !!! You go woman !!! just make sure to wrap up oh!!
Choc full of luv❤
Seriously love her!!
Nooo the Debbie getting covered in chocolate thing I’d unacceptable. Why are you guys showing us this???????
The fact she gets more action then most of us ???
No one I mean no one needs to hear about Debbie having intercourse ?
Exactly she taking it too far ?
Thank you
I beg to differ,???
At allllll lol ?
Yet here we all are ??
Lol why would jay go on a date with Debbie on national television if he’s married????
He did her a favor. And he’s Fugly
Debbie gives off Norma vibes and I’ve said this from the beginning. She has ruined Colt the moment her husband died. When her husband died, I strongly suspect she replaced her dead husband with Colt. She has an extremely unhealthy attachment to Colt. It’s creepy to me she acts like they’re in a romantic relationship. The clip of Colt trying to leave and Debbie saying Colt is all she has; then she goes and calls her new boo to tell him(while crying) that she really wants to be with him(her new boo) so much, right after fighting with Colt; like a young woman calling her side man for comfort because her main isn’t treating her right…it’s fucking creepy
@kay brown «Yes Mother»…lol
I think this kind of situation happens when there only is one child in the family. She could never have another child after Colt. Unhealthy attachment and homeschooling. She became depended on her son.
Bates motel all over
I according to her timeline it started before her husband died(people think her relationship with colt started young if his dad was abusive)
I actually love her she’s a whole vibe!!!!
Debbie is living her best life !!! You go woman !!! just make sure to wrap up
I definitely want to watch this! Can’t wait to see Debbie ,and colt!
Its Colty! (Not Colt)
Colt was attached to his Mom as well as her to him
She put up with alot of stress being his support system while he changed many partners over the season’s. She deserves happiness and to spend her remaining years supported and in love.
Oh hell no….I can’t tolerate Cole or his damn mother
Cole? Colt or Colteee.
Omg Nathalie is crazy in every way! She acts talk ,and walk like shes 10 year old.
Now she make up her decision that the Green Card is first before running mad again
What Natalie fails to notice is : there’s no fair trade for her crazy. ?. She offers nothing in exchange. She can’t hold a conversation she seems to have no interests except citizenship & hugging trees. She’s not pleasant to be around, she’s not considerate or compassionate. So tell us Natalie, why anyone wants to see you for another season?
As for Debbie, i didn’t even like her in the beginning but im rooting for her now. Yay Deb !
The hell with so called friends not helping her and jealous.
Go Debbie, you don’t even have an apt. Leave the jerks in ??behind and live with Tony ???
Natalie just wants mike for money and a green card
No Nathalie wants to be in control.
Mike plzzz don’t get back with her?
Send her back
I could not believe it oh no way
Poor girl. She is a child trapped in a woman’s body.
Good lord.. this is gonna be a hot mess — and I’m here for it!??
Like we say age is just a number she feels young ready to tangol, live your life Debbies. We only have this one life ✌️??
I like this Debbie. She’s a riot!
Now we see where her frustration was coming from?
Debbie feel like young?
You go Debbie!