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Love her and her podcast is my favvvvv!!! <3
It wasn’t until Stassi brought up the video that anyone actually even knew about it. She outed the video herself!
+BeNice Right! What a dope. And she was laughing at Jax with his nose job.
Stassi is the most intelligent and interesting person on that show.
Stassi is into Golden showers. Fact.
I don’t understand whaen people make a sex tape — regardless of if it’s just you or you and other people — they sit and cry about it. If you didn’t want anyone 2 see it then you should have put it in a safe deposit box. Stassi probably leaked it so that way she could be relevant after losing her job. She also lost all her friends cause they saw her for the trash she is.
I can’t help but think that these girls that make a sex tape, send it out themselves in hopes to become famous. But unfortunately Stasi is not relevant enough for anyone to care about her sex tape. I never even knew there was one. LOL
+BeNice Stassi who…? lol
She is such a hopeless, boring loser. Her 15 minutes were long over,..but she can’t let it go.
is it just me that think that stassi is not hot
Stian Danielsen yeah it’s just you.