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I loved Allison Mack in Smallville. This is so shocking and disappointing to hear.
It hard to say your guilty if in your mind these women came willing.
Never mind the work in grooming them, also known as Brainwashing.
Where’s superman when you need him
They probably kidnapped him too
Damn Hollywood exposed
wierd hearing a professional voiceover say feds lol
Very very disappointed in her
Wtf is wrong with them.
Well damn i thought she was a gud person when i used to watch smallville.
What the heck is going on in this world
«Beauty and the Beast» actress ? did you guys forget her MAJOR role in Harry Potter
PrincessPikaPi They don’t have to list everything she’s done. Emma is pretty recognizable.
Allison Mack aka Pimp Mack. And they can’t be called Pedowood for nothing.
Why do people love groups and colts . What is happening there
Oh my god.. (First view) I can’t believe they would do that
JUST ANOTHER THOT put her back in the Cage with the dogs
Merk’s Pint Sized Penis I’ll stop swearing if you stop giving away free gta money ?
What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit?
A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.
Merk’s Pint Sized Penis it’s a reference to the tv show she’s in
Merk’s Pint Sized Penis ???
Did Emma Watson play Beauty or the beast in Beauty and the Beast
cereal4u lol
racer Smith beauty but a beast in the bed
racer Smith beauty physically but a femeNazi on the inside
neither, she was the candlestick
Sex cult ? Sign me up !
Everybody knows what goes on in Hollywood.
sex cults, weinstien, hollywood has become a free for all on the cost of fame
Chris Henson Tell that to Roy Moore.
Smallville, smallMIND.
Oh Allison… How disappointing ?