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we are going to enjoy all the service you provide through the different services . I wish you more achievements in this filed
Know her from The L Word, she was amazing in it! ?
Love Sarah shahi, but sorry, was hoping for so much for sex/life and what Billie did was kind of despicable… not questioning your marriage or wanting more passion… lying and at the end cheating on your significant other.. and I’m not sure Billie really tried to save her marriage.. Cooper did. when Sarah determined she wasn’t getting what she needed, she ended her marriage with Steve and there’s no shame in that. she didn’t just start cheating on Steve with Adam. I thought Sarah was good in it though…
She would have tested it before moving out from steve… With adam pretty much… Hence it is technically cheating…
She lives in a dream world.
Love her in black Adam
I proud of you because lm Iranian ?
Difficulty and growing is not divorcing 5times ya it’s ur choice but for those who are married since 20 years 30years .. getting 5 wives and facing difficulty than what about the guy or girl spending whole life with each other my opinion don’t get offended
We cannot get it all either we sacrifice something for ourself or by hurting or killing others or loved ones belief and trust. She is just a bad model for a young women’s to lead them in wrong path. Presenting a real selfish 304.
They should really rename the series Divorce/Porn… on and off the set… Cause that’s all it is…
Yes, this is a crappy series to lead young women in wrong direction.
You are right
that is mean thing to say
flower east
I’m a big fan but Sex/Life is the exception…. not my cup of tea.
She was great in Person of Interest, and married to Kevin from Shameless
I think is Iranian actor but didn’t born in iran
tell me what’s your secret B? your so very mysterious girl HAHAHA
If you read her bio and her personal life, she encompasses a lot of what’s wrong with modern women. Not trilled by this actress at all.
@Anonymshe’s high class?? joke of the day lol or are you drunk
WTF? What are you talking about? She is totally high class ❤
She is a trademark 304 and a shameless person. Felt bad for her kids.
@Mariam Islam Hola
I agree! She has no class whatsoever
she’s from the l word what the hell? she’s not mexican?
She’s Iranian…
She’s not Iranian.
Who cares!