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I hope he sues the women that made the allegations and the networks that fired him people should not be able to do this without proof maybe he’s guilty or maybe he did not deliver on promises he made to them I wonder if these women would be willing to take a lie detector test I see a pattern with women that make these accusations against celebrities they wait a long time to come forward and these alleged incidents happen in very intimate settings
So he looses everything with allegations. His job, his reputation all of it before its proven? I have a real problem with this and I am a woman. I understand allegations, but its like he was already tried and found guilty! Not right.
No I didnt
@brass attacks I started noticing movement with Bill Clinton then trump floodgate opened up. Me too! movement. Networks cut the cord to avoid low ratings and protesters boycotting show and sponsor. People lose their jobs just on public knowing of allegations not court trial.
?? he can kiss his career bye ?
this is the world you voted for people.
Let him defend himself.
And after he supported Sarah Jessica Parker when asked about the Kim Cattrell drama….I bet Kim Cattrell would have been a bit more diplomatic about it had she been asked and much classier than the other 3 have been. She made the right move separating herself from this entire project.
Go lassie ??
Kim Cattrell knew the movies were going to be garbage. Kim Cattrell grew out of this character and Sarah Jessica Parker was bullying her to do it.
The employer (network, Equalizer producers) judged him and cut him lose to avoid protester, sponsor boycotting and low ratings. When media gets a press releases they report it. That’s their job. The show sitc is coming back but he dies in the first episode. Now some of the public is judging him before any trial. Smh.
so right now, all you need is for someone to accuse you, true or false and literally your life is over, no investigations, indictment or conviction? how is that right?
They all worked with him for so many years….
Parker was in a actor role of being his lover was he aggressive with her?
was he a nice guy on set?
why would all these women say that statement he’s not proven guilty…
The World has Gone Bonkers …
and people sometimes say crazy things about other people that are not true….
I can’t believe that they all said that about him maybe they know something about him that we don’t….
it’s unfortunate….
I always liked mr. Big (John Preston)
The truth will come out but we can’t accuse him of being guilty now that’s not fair to him.
This break’s my heart WHY ❓
Sooo… all this comes up now?? Like 2 decades later when the show is back on??? Seriously? This is disgusting.
Where’s the proof?
At the end of each YouTube news posting there is a 17-second invitation from George Stephanopoulos to subscribe to the ABC News channel.
His pitch was so compelling that, the FIRST TIME I heard his invitation, I subscribed to ABC News. I love it!
I program a Watch List of news from around the world, and run it on the TV at supper time.
But, years later, EVERY TIME we watch an ABC News posting we have to endure the same raucous, 17-second invitation from George S. Very annoying!
This posting was 36 seconds, HALF of which was George S. blaring at me!!
I have actually started AVOIDING ABC News just so I won’t have to listen to him.
I like George, but can’t someone figure a way to antagonize your subscribers a little less?
He has lost his dignity without due process. He has not been charged for a crime…! Metoo wins again…!
Where is the actual proof? I’m not saying he’s innocent or guilty but you’re dismantling someone’s life because of allegations that have provided zero evidence.
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why destroy someone before they’ve been proven guilty? No one should have the power to destroy another person on accusations alone.
Wow. Who needs enemies with friends like those. Just abandoning him over unproven allegations.
Yep, there is so much truth in the greedy and cut throats characters (according to Kim Cottrell), such as SJP. Abandoning Chris without actual proof and just saying: “With are with the victims.”
Due process is how we know we are all equal under the law
That’s nice. Keep believing.
“Break silence” = throw Noth under a bus. True heroes??
Well, it doesn’t make them look good. They worked with the guy for decades ( first the series, than the movies). They either noticed his aggressive, arrogant, misogynistic traits ( as alleged) and kept silent while he was profitable for the show, or they did not notice anything of the sorts and yet they now want to ride the wave of women solidarity, instead of supporting their costar. Both ways, it’s not looking good.
Who knows!! He’s a big star! Yup! In Hollywood! ??☕️
He was ??
I guess that means they’ll just kill him off of The Equalizer.