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I understand that people that have been victimized you have a difficult time bit’s a difficult time but I also think it’s just as wrong to long to villainize somebody over accusations that have not even been investigated or found to be true so basically it seems that nowadays you could just say I felt that somebody did XY and Z and that person’s automatically guilty that’s not how it works and it’s not right
@60wwediva Oh morning, I didn’t know this tea. Wow, I’m still so much shocked.
@Live Now & Live Right Kristen dated Big during the show running so its fucked up that she turning on him like this. Also without.him that show would have tanked after 2nd season
@Live Now & Live Right Amen!!!
Exactly! And for Kristen & Jessica to release such a calculating statement without evidence (I mean , there’s no evidence needed. He made a pass at you and you ain’t like it, so what?) is disgusting for them to do this to this man. I absolutely lost respect for SJP & Kristen. How can you say someone lean over your neck and said, “you smell good” warrants them to lose endorsement and such?!
I’ve been saying women are so dangerous all along and I feel sorry for men most of the time. These Delilah’s and Jezebel spirits that are out here now is scary. Let me go pray for my son’s future wife.
@Toyah *txsthck* I trust my «gut» abt. this CD has a different kind of fan base since we’ve last seen her but SJP idk?!! Its a slap in the face to some of us who have been around since the beginning. Its ALL very wrong! In long run its going hurt her, truth will always comes out.
This man isn’t a rapist. He hasnt sexually assaulted anyone. Sjp is his friend & for her to publicly say this without there being any sort of investigation is disgraceful. Like 3weeks ago he spoke publicly defended her against Kim cattrall. They have only said this as they are afraid of a backlash from the me2 movement which in itself is insulting.
Very fucked up for SJP to do to him. Now he has egg on his face cause Kim Catrral looks sane and right. He’s burned his bridge with her and can’t go back since he defended SJP
Poor guy. I just wanna hug him
I believe the women that have come forward but this cancel culture really bothers me. His career is being completely destroyed and he’s been convicted of nothing. The women don’t even identify themselves by their actual name. As a woman I can only imagine the trauma they have endured but the accused still deserves the ability to defend himself.
I tend to think the only victim here is Chris Noth, but guilty or innocent he should get a fair trial before everyone leaps to judgement.
@Lou Lou He knows who they are. He said the encounters with them were consensual. But anyone accused of rape always says that. I believe them too.
@HR he can sue them if he knows their true identities. These womens stories are very similar so I’m inclined to believe them. They used pseudonym in the article
He can defend himself all he wants. Hell he can sue these women if he would like. Although I’m betting he won’t. But employers don’t have to employ someone they believe to be a rapist.
wow, they didn’t even give him the benefit of the doubt until the investigations are over. THE 3 should have added in their statement that they are waiting for investigations/more info/evidence/truth. They automatically assumed Chris did those things. As a woman, I sympathize with the victims but we still don’t know whether Chris’ allegations are true or not.
So True.
Kristen Davis dated Big for a short time during filming the show so I’m shocked she allowed herself to bandwagon like this. Whether their dating was positive or negative, it’s tactless and shows she co signs an awful thing which may allude to her saying he did it to her too
Bridget is the only smart one… keep quiet until you actually know the truth
The moment they see him on tv they realised they wanted to talk about the alleged sexual misconduct
I can accuse everybody of everything. But I need to prove it first, before I ruin someone else’s life. If I hear this accusation for one of my male colleagues with whom I worked several years, I wouldn’t be so fast to jump to conclusions that they were right. I will stand by my colleague until proven guilty
The world is truly a messed up place, who to believe and when do you believe them has become very difficult, as a woman I can say I have had personal experience with men who have clearly overstepped their boundaries and used either their financial power or physical power over women but add to this I’ve also known women who have used rape or sexual assault as a means and tools against men. I know many women that have done this.
Where are the investigations!???
The woman are finding him guilty and standing by the woman who are making the accusations which could be just for show and I think the cast should rally and support Mr. Bigs…. cancel culture….. ridiculous. I guess I can’t blame them. No loyalty anywhere anymore…its all $$$$ politics……
In other words, we never has a problem with him ,but we don’t want to he canceled so if they said he did it then he did it.
And so it begins, costars turning and “canceling” without the benefit of the doubt. ???
So disappointed with the girls he’s not proven guilty yet and yet they put that statement out wow!!some friends at least Bridget Moynahan didn’t say anything when sge was asked yes he could be guilty but wait before you but out that statement I’m sure Chris is shocked that they just took the words of these ladies after all they acted with him for years goes to show kim Cattrall aka Samantha was telling the truth about Sarah Jessica Parker after Chris just came out last week stand up for Sarah Jessica Parker wow some friend
So they threw him under the bus .. Allegedly happened in 2004 ? Seriously ?
So. Now, I can just say any Celebration assault me and j will not reveal who I am and I will not provide further information. Right?!
Not to drag the women, but this all too fishy, if SJP was honestly his friend, wouldn’t you want to help get the truth of why now, CREEPY men are always creepy, wouldn’t there have more than this years ago
There was more . In 94 . Most folks are too young to remember.
What happened to innocent until proved guilty comes to mind
Damm hypocrites all 3 of them, they don’t support him whom they know. I personally think these allegations are a lie but to even comment in support of them is fu**ed up! Let’s be real here, that Mr. Big if he made a pass at me, I’d have to cheat on my husband and he knows I would in a heartbeat, he also stated that he’s not gay but would have to give it up for Big!! I think it’s a witch hunt, and if Mr. Noth would have really given them the time of day, they would of jumped at it! Sad that his costars so called friends didn’t back him up! Shame on you, I’m starting to believe Kim Catrall! Love you and support you Mr. Noth, stay strong!
So now they will have to cut him completely out of the new show. Yikes!!! Dude stop responding!! Bad behavior from the pass that men thought was consensual!! Many women had to put up with that nonsense.