This ‘Sex & the City’ Star Is Running For GOVERNOR of New York

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  1. Taylor Grande

    Celebrities are never a good politician…

    1. Tatiana Ragland

      Taylor Grande she use to help the board of education in nyc! She knows her stuff! Trust me!

    2. Ritu Kumar

      Taylor Grande !ROHITE MOVEMENT! Scientific research has shown that porn and masturbation causes CANCER!
      Read Bible
      Jesus-«You shall not eat the blood of life with the flesh»
      Stop supporting murder of animals and go Vegetarian(organic milk)/Vegan meaning no meat.
      First is the TRUTH, then Love.

    3. Benji

      right now, everyone is better than that orange turd.

  2. breaking bad

    ahahah is this a joke?

    1. blow my heart up

      breaking bad I know

  3. Clay Brice

    Anything can happen.

  4. iwantamaste

    Celebs need to stop going political.

    1. iwantamaste

      Mahim Chakma yeah i get that but all they do now is shove their opinons right down our throats

    2. Mahim mahim

      bervely joassaint how? because they talk about it equality and rights.

    3. Eli Murtaza

      Just because they’re in the public eye doesn’t mean they’re shoving their opinions down our throats. Besides they have a platform where they can make a difference, why not use it. we live in a time when being political and being politically aware is so important so just like so many other people they too speak for what they believe. Everything is art, everything is politics — Aii Wei Wei

    4. iwantamaste

      Mahim Chakma its not just that. one example is the election. A whole lot of celebrities were talking about hilary and trump to the point it became annoying. Their not politicians or senator their actors and singers there is no need to keep talking about a election or event. They are not the voice of any revolution or movement. And guess how it turned out for them their have been studies that shown that because of their talking it actually hurt their and hillary reputation.

    5. iwantamaste

      Eli Murtaza yes being political is important but no needs a remainder what is going on we know what is going. I live near the Parkland shooting and i hated every remainder of the shooting. Many talked about doing something that takes their mind off it. This is wherr entertainers come in

  5. Olivia Anderson

    Wtf wasn’t it “sex in the city?” Or am I going crazy…. wth

  6. Tatiana Ragland

    YES YES YES! I met her person when I was a kid and actually talked to her to in my school. She’s a sweet person and was so kind. I love her! She use to work the broad of education I believe. She really fraught for kids in New York!!! Am DEFINITELY voting for her!

  7. Miss Coconut

    Wow. Just… wow

  8. Swiftie Luma

    hopefuly she has good ideals and proposals , but to me it will just look like people would wanna vote because » OMG A CELEBRITY!!!!»

    1. Samantha Alicea

      Swiftie Luma typically maybe 2 years ago I’d agree but I think after electing our president, she will have the toughest time in history running for governor BECAUSE she’s s celebrity and we have all seen and felt the repercussions of the last time we voted a celebrity into office

  9. hermain nasir


  10. Plan B Dealer

    Im leaving New York who else?

  11. anime c-dramas kpop

    Well Arnold Schwarzenegger ran and made it right. He also did it before Trump so I don’t see celebs running for office going out of style anytime soon.

  12. nat

    Girl get it!

  13. GLBizzie

    Maybe this is just a Secret Sex in The City Campagne to surprise everyone with a 3rd Movie After saying they won‘t do One xD

  14. WhitDog WhatsUp

    «I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it.»…. one of my favorite Miranda quotes! Good Luck Lady!!! ? Much Love??

  15. Faye Trapez

    Omg yesss

  16. shartluvr

    *who’s from ny too ?❤??*

  17. Abena Adu-Offeh

    i mean if Arnie can do it

  18. Josh Anderson

    Ok everyone who is hating on her for one thing I am a born again Christian and I disagree with her political views but come on people give her a chance she probably has more political experience then President trump did she has been doing political stuff before she ran and wasn’t republican like president trump was a democratic before he was a republican when he ran in 2000 to be president so give this wonderful crusader a chance I respect her cause she wants to make a change and so I hope that she has wise people to guide her threw her journey to the governors office and just saying right now I voted for trump but that doesn’t mean I do like people disrespecting people when who are celebrity’s when they want to serve their community what ever party sexual orientation realign cause this honorable woman wants to help education so I respect that that’s all I have to say peace ?

  19. Indiegaze

    Show me your intellect and your knowledge! Show me thoughts and ideas I’ve never thought of before that will give me a new perspective on life and society, THEN I will vote for you! I don’t care that you played a boring mom on tv years ago……

  20. lux lisbon

    I don’t live in New York but she seems really cool