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Get em all. This stuff getting out of control. And they wanna put this in our kids schools. Not normal at all
I know you people caught up in the democratic and republican propaganda. However it’s not about politics it’s about good and evil. This world is fillies with evil people. You will harm another human to carry out sick twisted thoughts in your head. Especially a child. And let’s not talk about race. This world is nowhere near god like.
Wake up call to all parents here on entrusting kids with so called Coaches
A lot of parents voted for Biden. They don’t even know haha
What about Sandusky ? So many to name off
Don’t blame the parents. Coaches aren’t supposed to do that period
He’s going to Love prison!!
Yay! Love to see these people go down!
Just downright nasty and sick, lock him up with rkelly together……
Bronaugh has the most Canadian accent i have ever heard
It’s Irish lol pretty cool
Wtf is wrong with people?
God will judge.
@The Kimchi stand What’s a president? Nothing. A sinner.
Everyone wants to blame someone else for their ailments.
Everyone points fingers at the government, the president, Hitler, Stalin, their mothers or fathers etc.
Maybe it’s time people point the fingers at themselves.
All fall short of Gods glory..
And God IS Judging.
Only a sinner who lives to love their own flesh is decieved.
Some of us knows exactly what is happening. Most do not
Look at who cheated to be our president. Says it all
Jerry is going to be Big Bubbas cheerleader in prison
I remembered hearing about this JERRY sometime back ago but didn’t quite understand. This is disgusting because parents trusted him with their kids. PRAY for those VICTIMS and for their FAMILIES. 🙏🙏🏼🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏻🙏🙏🏼🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏻
Well he is a male cheerleader 📣
Dude gonna have a whole lot of men over him in the showers in prison lol
They won’t give him the pleasure: )
Narcissism dahhh
I wonder if obama or Biden will bail him out
Probably not. They’re not like Trump.
Why do they have an Irish woman reporting the news?😂
I think it’s called diversity…
why not
Ppl be rotten
He was just talking to Gabriel union she surprised him